Saturday, January 9, 2016

A dream of forgiveness

Last night I dreamed of adventuring with small groups across twelve worlds to give birth to a powerful crystal being that could solve all of the problems humanity is creating.

When it was born it was revealed that it could do so in an instant by wiping out humanity, killing every one of us. We had the choice of whether it should do this or not.

Across twelve worlds we all agreed, after a brief amount of consideration, that it was the best way. As humans we were destroying everything, and we caused daily suffering through cruelty to all species, including our own. Better to be cleared out so that nature could recover, rather than to watch the slow death of everything on our worlds, choked out by our own filth. We all agreed it was best if we all died now.

There was sorrow in this, but it was more like acknowledging a sorrow that had already been there. Mostly we felt a sad, guilty resolution that we would pay for our part in this trap humanity had created for itself, and that we were glad to be finally judged.

The presence of this great power swelled, and then became invisible. Nothing happened.

Across twelve worlds the adventurers were confused, and continued to fight to survive wondering why they still existed.

Then through the ether we all received the quiet message:

God said no. We should live. We are forgiven.


With this I awoke feeling as though I had just received a prophecy of sorts, so I sit here in bed and document it before it fades. In a few hours I may find it all trite...

But for the moment, since we're all here to the bitter end, I pray with everything in me that God please help us clean ourselves up, and help us find a way to treat each other well.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Caleb for sharing this. I am so happy for you, there are Great changes happening within you.
